Hong Kong Computer Society

Founded in 1970, the Hong Kong Computer Society (HKCS) is a non-profit organisation focused on developing Hong Kong's Information Technology (IT) industry. Members hail from a broad spectrum of Hong Kong's IT industry, from corporations to like-minded individuals, all coming together to raise the profile of the industry.

For nearly four decades, the HKCS has played a vital role in molding information technology (IT) culture in Hong Kong, and its energy, enthusiasm and momentum is as positive today as when it was first formed. As a respected non-profit professional body, the Society is committed to professional development and industry development as well as community services that ensure the IT industry continues to make a direct impact in peoples' lives with the following three main goals:

- To promote the use of IT for benefits of all

- To spread knowledge of this rapidly expanding field

- And to promote professional ethics and its own code of conduct

The HKCS offers a channel for the Hong Kong community to exchange ideas and carry out a dialogue with the Government regarding IT and its impact on society. The four standing committees and eight special interest divisions are the backbone of HKCS. They provide specialised knowledge/information in specific areas of interest and organise activities to help promote IT in Hong Kong regularly, including conferences, discussion panels, seminars, workshops and study missions on various subjects related to IT.

The Society also sits on Government and other advisory bodies on the development of IT policies. Its seminal white papers on IT in education and IT policy have been widely read and discussed. In addition, HKCS is part of the Digital 21 Strategy Advisory Committee (D21SAC), the HKSAR Government's highest-level advisory body on IT. As part of D21SAC, HKCS helps to advise the Government on the strategies, programmes, and measures for the attainment and furtherance of the goals and objectives set out in the Digital 21 Strategy - the blueprint for information and communications technology development in Hong Kong.

Over the years, HKCS has established a strong network with local and international professional IT bodies. As a founder member of the South East Asia Regional Computer Confederation (SEARCC), the Society maintains close links with its counterparts in the region and elsewhere. It is actively engaged in a number of projects with the Asia Pacific ICT Alliance (APICTA), Center of the International Cooperation for Computerisation (CICC), China Computer Federation, including the National Olympiad in Informatics and Standardised Chinese IT Terminology.

The Society is affiliated with other professional bodies and members benefit from reciprocal arrangements with the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), the British Computer Society (BCS) and the Australian Computer Society (ACS). These provide professional recognition today and pave the way for further regional and global opportunities tomorrow.

Special Interest Divisions

The Special Interest Divisions (SIDs) of the HKCS are essential to the development of our ICT professionals in their expertises in different areas of interests. SIDs would try their utmost to organise topical events to deal with the newly emerging areas of importance, giving HKCS members great opportunities to enhance and strengthen their roles in the Hong Kong ICT industry.

BISID aims to share BI best practices in the industry, help Hong Kong companies make effective use of BI in their businesses and leverage on BI as a business-oriented platform to connect more business leaders with HKCS so that they can better understand the strategic business values of ICT as a whole. The BISID charters to enhance and bridge businesses via applied technology and information intelligence.

The CIO Board is a group focused on sharing information between CIOs. The Board aims to encourage members to learn from each other through round-table discussions and open best practice sharing. The primary objectives of the new division are to provide a platform for CIOs/HoITs to share insights, views, issues and experiences amongst themselves.

EBSID aims to promote the uses and development of electronic commerce technologies and applications in Hong Kong and to provide a forum for the exchange of information and experience in the area of Electronic Business technologies and applications and information management.

ETSID embraces the development of Digital Arts and Entertainment SIG, Enterprise Architecture SIG and the Open Source and Open Technologies SIG.

HITSID focuses on developing health IT standards, policies and legislation as well as to influence policy makers to ensure the effective application of ICT for the benefit of healthcare development of our community.

ISSID provides a forum for sharing practical knowledge and experience relating to security issues such as information security governance, ISMS, computer forensics, business continuity planning and risk management.

QMSID promotes all aspects relating to quality management, including software processes, development methodology, project management, process and quality improvement models such as CMM/CMM1, ISO9001 and Six Sigma.

External links

Hong Kong ICT Career Centre is established by the Hong Kong ICT Human Resources Consortium and HKCS is one of the consortium members: